
Why the nbn is a disappointment

A recent article from The Financial Review outlines the growing number of complaints about the nbn service. Complaints can be split largely into three camps … those that have [...]

Cutting the cord on land lines

The use of mobile phones and mobile internet has escalated in recent years, with nearly one third of all adult Australians now using a mobile phone in favour of [...]

Yes we can stream Netflix in Little Mountain

The introduction of Netflix has generated numerous complaints from the public about their broadband service being unable to stream movies successfully.  Our Community Broadband has launched their first service to the [...]

How to connect with Our Community Broadband

Building the newest broadband network on the Sunshine Coast is a challenging prospect, but one which has already proven to be rewarding as we connect families who have not [...]

Waiting for the NBN?

With recent news of NBN rollout plans on the Sunshine Coast there has been a great deal of excitement.  Many have sighed with relief, put aside all their frustrations [...]