
Free Business broadband installation

For a limited time we are offering a free standard installation on all Spark or Boost business grade installations on a 24 month contract

  • Installations completed before 1 September 2018
  • Subject to survey – we will confirm by a physical survey that we can provide our service at your premises.  There is no charge for this survey.
  • Your free standard installation is valued at $549 (incl. GST) and includes all parts and labour to install the service. Firstly, an antenna will be installed on a roof pole up to 3m in height.  The roof will be no higher than 2 stories accessible by ladder, or one with roof access.  The antenna will be cabled to a network termination unit in the form of a 4 port router.  The majority of our installations fit within this framework, and we will advise you upon survey if they do not and the value of any additional charges.

Business Grade Spark Plan: 20/10 Mbps, Unlimited data for $164.45 / mth (incl. GST)

Business Grade Boost Plan: 50/20 Mbps, Unlimited data for $329.45 / mth (incl. GST)

Check if we can provide a service at your business here

For full details, please refer to our Critical information summary and SFOA
