
Investing in Broadband can improve your Business’s profitabilty

With numerous ISP’s and plans available on the market, business owners and decision makers need a sound understanding of what these products will deliver them.

The majority of plans supplied from the NBN are the same speeds and contention (how many users at one time) as what you would receive at a residential address.  There are also “Business Grade” plans which have lower or zero contention as well as guaranteed speeds and service level agreements.  It goes without saying that these plans are more expensive, so you might be tempted to save money with a slower service, but paying a little more can actually save money and add to the bottom line. In fact, there are a number of ways truly high speed Internet improves business.

  1. Speed Boosts Efficiency

More than half of job holders say the Internet is important to doing their jobs – more important than their phones.  We have all spent time waiting for pages to load, and with staff costs often being a business’ largest outlay – time is money.  If an employee spent half of their day working online, and 5 percent of this time was wasted due to slow internet performance, over a year that’s 50 hours per employee.  Add up how many hours you may waste a year and it could be many thousands of dollars.  Time waiting for files to upload can’t often be spent on other productive tasks.  All this efficiency has a cost, and the only solution is a faster internet connection.

  1. Speed Alleviates Stress

Why add to employees’ stress levels with a tediously slow internet connection?  Even more importantly – how will it affect your customers?

  1. How many Mbps do you need?

Multiple users mean the bandwidth is being shared – slowing down every users experience.  This is especially noticeable with internal wireless connections.  For each concurrent user, device and activity, the demands on your bandwidth keep adding up.  The solution is simple.  Get a faster plan.

  1. Fast Internet enables cloud based activities

The growth in cloud based computer has been exponential in recent years.  Many companies cannot realise the benefits of cloud computing if their internet connection isn’t fast enough to enable adoption of these products.  The solution to this problem – you’ve got it – faster internet!

  1. High speed internet reduces costs

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) – a technology that lets you make phone calls using the internet can save companies a significant amount of money.  But you need a fast, reliable internet connection.  As the ADSL lines are switched off – moving to VoIP is also a necessity

  1. Faster internet makes for better collaboration

A better internet connection enables fast sharing of files between employees and business partners.  It opens up the market of electronic technologies in general and this translates into growth on your bottom line.

How can OCB  help you?

Our Community Broadband can help you understand the optimum bandwidth required to service your organisations needs.  Our Fixed Wireless network on the Sunshine Coast offers a business grade connection with guaranteed speeds.

OCB also has a unique NBN business grade product,which is optimised to ensure that your service doesn’t slow down in peak periods.  Don’t let your business suffer from the congestion of what is essentially a residential connection to the NBN – get NBN Prime.


NBN Prime Business Grade Broadband       50/20 Mbps

NBN Prime Business Grade Broadband      100/40 Mbps


Please see our Critical Information Summary for full details.  Available NATIONWIDE


Call or email us to arrange a complimentary assessment and product recommendation on (07) 5322 5380.


Andy Whitmore, C0-Founder

